All posts tagged: Lampedusa

The search for a safe harbour – Kristallin #33 Ausstellung

Das EXPOrt-geförderte Projekt „The search for a safe harbour“ wird bei kristallin#33 bis zum 10. Juni 2016 im Salzamt ausgestellt. OPENING MI, 11. 5. 2016, 19 Uhr Ausstellungsdauer: 11. 5. – 10. 6. 2016 Die Ausstellung wird von Kulturdirektor Dr. Julius Stieber eröffnet. The search for a safe harbour Silke Müller (Germany | Austria) resided in Klaipeda | Lithuania from Sept 6th to 30th 2014. She was taking part in an artist-in-residence programme as well as participating in the project “Travel Agency” at KCCC in Klaipeda. The illustrator spent a year on “the search for a safe harbour”. As a European 
citizen she tried to find 26 + 1 position marks between public and private 
concerning the idea of “free mobility” among and besides the European Union.